Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hello World

Hello everyone, and welcome to my new pet project of sorts: Fenix Phyre Gaming.  What is Fenix Phyre Gaming?  Well simply put it is a small, personal, and for all intents and purposes, indie game review project.  Why am I doing this?  I dunno, I'm bored, I want to get into writing again, and hell, maybe I'll even be able to use it to further my personal goals of world domination (I currently only dominate the world of a small cat named Lana).  But in all reality this will probably just be a pet project that I use to give credibility and legitimacy to my gaming addiction.  Who knows, maybe I'll publish other things here too based on feedback from people who visit my page, we'll see though.

Anyrate, for now expect a couple of things: game reviews, smart ass comments, and heavy cynicism.  I really don't plan on keeping my reviews to current games either, they're probably just going to be whatever I end up having in my hands (yes even if its some shitty game I find at a bargain bin for $0.99 at a truck stop while traveling, fuck you, I'm reviewing it).  Some of the posts may be about a new game (hell, I'm hoping after a week or two to be able to get a good review of Final Fantasy XV up), some may be comparing different games of a similar genre, and some might even be posts about upcoming seasonal sales and where some good deals can be found.

Whatever happens, the main goal here is to have fun.  Drama sucks, and nobody likes it, if you disagree with my opinions cool, that's why they're called opinions, and not facts.  Hopefully I'll make you laugh, maybe not, only time will tell.  But with that being said, stay tuned, I'm hoping to start getting some content up this week.

This is Lana, she is judging you.