Disclaimer and Legal

Okay, so I'm am all in favor of transparency here.  What does that mean?  Well simply put I'm not going to go out a lie to you about how I get a hold of my games, or what I do and do not own, and how I use them.  Trust and honesty are going to be the foundations of this here project.

For starters, and this one is kind of important, I am an employee of GameStop, HOWEVER, the views expressed on this site, are mine and mine alone, and do not reflect the views of GameStop as a company, nor do they reflect the views of GameStops affiliates.  To further enhance this point, if I find out information regarding upcoming titles in any official capacity, no I will not be divulging that information to you, nor will I discuss inventory, sales numbers/statistics, or upcoming and unannounced promotions, so don't ask.

Personally, I like plot and stories.  So to that end, in reviews in which I discuss a games story or plot I will cordon off the section with giant freaking tags like these:

******************************SPOILER WARNING *********************************
*********************************END SPOILERS**********************************

Or at least in a similar manner.  If you don't care about them feel free to read on, but I like experiencing a game for the first time fresh and new, and lets face it, I'm the one who matters here.

Any videos posted a user name not on my accounts page (currently coming soon) I don't own, nor do I pretend to own, nor will I claim that I own or pretend to own.  This also applies to any associated videos, internally linked videos, advertisements, and suggested videos.  Anyone thinking that I do is misguided and needs to have a serious talking to or be public ridiculed, I don't know which.

Subsequently all images posted here are being used under fair use, and for the most part these will all be images that I obtain myself through in game screen shots when applicable, or will be taken directly from the games website, or a google image search.  All images gathered in this manner will be directly linked as to provide a digital trail.  If you own the image and would like me to take it down or stop using it email me at jacob.dolezal@gmail.com with an appropriate subject so I know what the hell you're talking about (seriously I get upwards of 100 emails a day and if you send me an email with a subject of "Titanfall 2" I'm probably going to ignore you and delete your email), oh and the same goes for donotreply emails, if I see one of these as the sender you're going to get your email deleted (who seriously uses these for anything but promotional material? Fucks, that's who). As for artwork (I doubt I'll ever be posting any), I will credit artists if I can find them or am told who they are, and again will be using direct links to where I found the piece of art in question.

Finally, and this one is probably the most important piece here, I do not claim any ownership over any of the products that appear on this site.  This includes, but is not limited to: legal rights, trade rights, distribution rights, marketing or advertising rights, and production rights.  While I am a Software Engineer, and my name is attached to pieces of code, they are not listed here unless otherwise stated.  If I am talking about a product of my own design and development, I'll let you know, but we're going to assume that I'm not.  Now if you do own any of the rights above to anything being discussed here, and I am misrepresenting your product in a serious legal way (i.e. false advertising, breaking street date, breaking a review embargo if I ever get so lucky *fingers crossed*, or something of similar nature) email me at jacob.dolezal@gmail.com with an appropriate subject as discussed above and we'll talk about it.  If I'm not doing anything illegal, or if you don't like a review I'm giving your product, or you don't own the product and want me to change how I'm talking about it (with the exception of me saying something blatantly false, in which case please provide me a source), you are still free email me, but chances are I'm probably just going to tell you to blow it out your ass in a colorful way.

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