Tuesday, December 26, 2017

In regards to recent times

I would like to take a minute to apologize for being so quiet lately, however life has been hectic the last month as I have been working 2 jobs and somehow managed to still find a little time to devote time to a couple of recent releases, and most importantly spending time with friends, family, and my fur babies (seriously they're precious). But with that being said I am planning on doing a best of 2017 post here in the next few days so be on the look out for that, and while I must regrettably say that I haven't played everything I wanted to, I have played some stellar titles and will include a small list of some of the games I personally feel I did an injustice to by not making time for them.  Until then I wish everyone the warmest holiday spirits and that you were/are able to spend time with family and loved ones.